• Welcome to Harmony Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Harrisville, PA
  • Old Window coverings
  • New Window Coverings!
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • VBS - 5 Day Club, July 2024
  • Check out our Bulletin Board for Upcoming Events and Mission Updates!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • Window Project is now in progress!
  • 4th of July Harrisville Parade, Handing out invites to VBS
  • 4th of July Harrisville Parade, Handing out invites to VBS
  • Harmony table at Harrisville Community Park festivities, 4th of July
  • Harmony table at Harrisville Community Park festivities, 4th of July
  • Harmony Church exists to boldly lead others to become followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Summer Worship in the Fellowship Hall
  • Summer Worship in the Fellowship Hall
  • Summer Worship in the Fellowship Hall
  • One Nation, Under God....
  • New Members - Kyle and Haley
  • New Members - Kyle and Haley
  • Baptism of Scarlett Campbell, June 23, 2024
  • Baptism of Scarlett Campbell, June 23, 2024
  • Baptism of Scarlett Campbell, June 23, 2024


Welcome from Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Jones

‘Ecclesia’. That is the Latin word for congregation. It means that each congregation is more than a simple gathering. It is an event of God’s grace. We believe God has called us together here in Harmony Evangelical Presbyterian Church to know and share His grace in Jesus Christ. Perhaps God is calling you to be part of His church. We would love for you to come and discern your call with us. Only together can we be the Ecclesia of God.




    "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received:
     that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 
    that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day
     in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he 
    appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve."
    If we worship in faith, he will appear to the heart of faith, and
    we will know that what we have received is true and we are 
    called to proclaim it.

    ~ The scripture lesson for Sunday, July 28, will be 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
    The sermon title for Sunday, July 28, will be "Apostolic Faith."

    ~ Next Sunday, August 4, is a communion Sunday. ~ 
    Please prepare your hearts to receive the gifts of the Lord's Table.
    ~ Our Directory for Worship in the EPC states: 
    "The people are to prepare themselves
    by the examination of their inner spiritual life, 
    of their present relationship to Christ,
    to confess and repent of known sins, 
    to forgive those who have offended them,
    to pray earnestly for the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit, 
    and to draw near with
    a true heart in the full assurance of faith."


    The Week of July 28, 2024

    Monday - 10:00 am - Baby Quilting

    Wednesday - 6:00 am - Men's Prayer Time



    ~ School Supply Collection! ~
    The Mission Committee is sponsoring a collection of school supplies
    for the New Castle Rescue Mission's family services
    as we have the past few summers. There will be a list of the items
    needed on a bulletin insert in this Sunday's bulletin. You can begin
    bringing donations to the church on Sunday, August 4, and the last 
    day will be Sunday, August 18. Thank you.



    ~ Outdoor Movie & Corn Roast Night!! ~
    will be Saturday, August 24th at 6:15 pm!
    Hot dogs, corn, water, paper plates and napkins will be provided.
    Bring a snack or dessert to share if you wish. Bring a comfortable
    chair (there will be church folding chairs of course) and bring a friend.
    The movie is scheduled to be "Cool Runnings" with John Candy.



    "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace
    toward me was not in vain."
    Do not let his grace be in vain. Live the truth. Proclaim the truth.

    Soli Deo Gloria.


    Worship is now in the Fellowship Hall for the summer, (began June 30th), as our sanctuary is not air conditioned.

    Baby Quilting resumes on Mondays @ 10 am.  Men's Prayer continues to meet on Wednesdays @ 6 am.  Storytime for Preschoolers with Miss Linda is taking a break for the summer.  Check back for restarting date!

    July 20th - Book Club!  @ 9 am, Fellowship Hall.  Contacty Becky Sopher for more information.


    Worship continues in the Fellowship Hall for the summer, (began June 30th), as our sanctuary is not air conditioned.

    Baby Quilting meets on Mondays at 10 am.  Men's Prayer continues to meet on Wednesdays at 6 am.  Storytime for Preschoolers with Miss Linda is taking a break for the summer.  Check back for restarting date!

    August 4th is a Communion Sunday.  Remember to prepare your heart for the receiving of this sacrament.

    August 11th is a Mission Offering Sunday.  100 % of your donation to this offering goes to the missionaries and ministries we support in our Mission Budget.

    August 10th - Book Club!  @ 9 am, Fellowship Hall.  Contacty Becky Sopher for more information.

    School Supplies Collection for the Family Center Ministry of the City Rescue Mission of New Caste begins on Sunday, August 4th.  Deadline for contributions - Sunday, August 18th.  For a list of supplies needed, please see the bulletin for Sunday, July 28th.  Our goal is to collect at least ten of each item.  Thanks for your support of this Mission Committee project!

    August 24th - Outdoor Movie Night and Corn Roast!  Gathering at 6:15 pm at the pavilion behind the church to begin feasting!  Movie will begin once it starts to get dark, approximately 7:30 pm.  Bring a snack or dessert to share, if you wish.  Hot dogs, corn, bottled water, paper plates, and napkins will be provided.  The movie?  Cool Runnings with John Candy.  Hope you can join us!


    At 11 AM on Sundays, our worship service will be streaming LIVE on FACEBOOK at HARMONY HARRISVILLE.  You do not have to be a "friend" to watch.  We have made this site open to the public.  Sharing is encouraged!  If you would like a bulletin to follow along, look under the SUNDAY BULLETINS tab above and feel free to print your own copy!

    Sorry, you must have a FACEBOOK account to view the service LIVE.  If you are interested in an AUDIO version of a Sunday worship service, please call the church office with your request and someone will get back to you!


    Sunday, July 21, 2024

    Above is the button for our most recent worship service recording.  Sunday's service is usually posted on the Thursday following the service.  For previous services, go the REC WORSHIP SERVICES tab above.  If you are on FACEBOOK, please consider sending us a friend request to Harmony Harrisville.  And please share our videos!  Help us spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Thank you.


    Online Giving

    If you are able to, please remember the church in your financial choices.  Tithes and offerings can be sent in your regular offering envelopes within a mailing envelope to:  Harmony EPC, PO BOX 406, Harrisville, PA  16038. 

    OR you can use the above button and give your offering through our Online Giving option which is available to us through our denomination.  This is a secure connectiion that you may use if you wish.

    Thanks for your faithful stewardship and financial support of our church, Harmony Evangelical Presbyterian Church.


    Check out more of our church activities by scrolling through more photos under the PHOTOS tab above.  Take a look!!  Thank you to Harriet Grossman, our church photographer, for most of the photos you see here!  (2021 photos to be added soon!)